Owner, Founder &
Soul-Centered Life Coach
Hi. I’m Amanda Dacio, founder, owner and
soul-centered life coach of Red Dragonfly Healing.
I know pain first hand, from a life that began with childhood poverty, constantly moving homes, schools and communities, not knowing my father, losing my brother to suicide when I was 8, and sexual abuse — all of which left me feeling insecure, unstable and unsafe. This, combined with my life-long empathic and intuitive abilities being squashed, attacked and diminished left me feeling inherently wrong, unsure, broken and less than… lost for a large part of my life. What felt like a curiosity to ‘just take a crystal class’, led to an emotional release. A breakthrough — a willingness, choosing a path that cracked open my soul allowing for my deeply hidden thoughts, beliefs and traumas to surface and open a space for healing.
I am a completely different person than I was several years ago. I have embodied, embraced and integrated a self-confidence and worthiness I know everyone can experience. I love myself (even on the hard days) and I have a richer clarity of where I’ve been, who I am, and an excitement for the infinite possibilities of where I’m going — recognizing that life can be even more miraculous when you open yourself up to what’s possible.

Tapping into your personal rhythm that is ‘You-nique to You’ — co-creating an individualized program utilizing my certifications, training, education, intuition and degree in: Crystal Healing, Sound Healing, Energy Work, Biofield Tuning, Human Design, Medical Intuition, Channeling, Light Language, Emotion Code & Early Childhood Development.
Creating a soul-centered structure and energetic, vibrational, and emotional sacred space, combined with inspired practical suggestions and methodology, shifting to a pattern of empowerment and supporting you on your transformational journey of healing and deep self-love.

It’s important to resonate with whoever you choose to work with. Let’s visit!
Life when we choose to heal, setting ourselves free from the conditioned, detrimental patterns of past stories, can be re-scripted and become amazing. I know. I’ve personally experienced it and witnessed it with the wonderful clients I’ve had the pleasure of working with here at Red Dragonfly Healing.
Our traumas, our beliefs, our issues, our hidden thoughts just want to be seen, heard and validated to be healed and released.
Are you ready to validate all of who you are and open yourself up to infinite possibilities?
I know that each and every person has within the power to heal their own life; sometimes all you need is someone to open a doorway so you can step onto a path of healing, authentic freedom and clarity.
I’d love to be a guide, a door opener, a soul-centered coach on your path to empowering transformation, healing and profound self-love.
Are you ready to walk through the door to personal freedom?

*Disclaimer* The owner of this website (Red Dragonfly Healing/Amanda Dacio) does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the owner is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional, spiritual or general overall well-being. In the event you use any of the information on this website for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the owner assumes no responsibility for your actions.
(414) 559-9123
Milwaukee, WI 53207
Red dragonfly healing
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