light language

amanda dacio
Owner, Founder &
Soul-Centered Life Coach

light language is channeled, loving vibrational energy.
Light Language is channeled vibrational energy. For some it is an ancient, lost language. For some it is the language of the land. And, for others, it may be the pure expression as the sound, voice or images of the depth of your soul. Light Languages are coded frequencies from Source and Beings of Light that can be through movement, written or drawn, or as sound and are a potent energetic and spiritual transmission with the potential for significant healing and profound messages.
Working with Light Language requires the suspension of disbelief and a willingness to listen with your soul and not reason with your mind. The language, through frequencies and vibrations from higher realms, resounds in a way that is different from traditional human communication. This allows for a bypass to the resistance of the logical mind and frontal lobe of the brain and offers the potential for direct positive impact on the subconsciousness and soul. You are asked to get out of your head and feel into your body — and into your essential spirit, for in that space no real translation is necessary.

My Services
healing & loving vibrations
Allow the healing and loving vibrations of Light Language to speak to your soul in a way that can shift your ‘set point’ to a deeper setting of love, energetic healing, awakening, acceptance and worth.
Are you ready to love yourself more deeply?

Love &
Light Language leaves a feeling of a profound sense of love, presence and connectedness — opening space for transformation, enlightenment, and activation of infinite positive possibilities.
Are you ready to welcome your infinite positive possibilities?
Trusted Guidance

message & translation
Amanda voice records a personal Light Language Transmission and Channeled Message. Will be emailed to you within 3 days.

Multi-message Package
(3) Voice recorded personal Light Language Transmission and Channeled Messages by Amanda. Each session will be emailed to you within 3 days of your scheduled time.

Loved one message
Amanda channels and records a Light Language Transmission and Channeled Message for a loved one.
$ Upon request
(414) 559-9123
Milwaukee, WI 53207
Red dragonfly healing
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