Biofield Tuning

Amanda Dacio
Owner, Founder &
Soul-Centered Life Coach

Our lives are energy in motion
Everything is in motion.
Emotions = ‘E’nergy + ‘motion’. There is a vibrational force that is constantly at work, in everything, around everything, through everything and in relation to everything. Each of us gives off an energetic signature and our vibration can feel the energy in motion — even when we don’t consciously recognize it. It’s why we can ‘feel’ when someone is standing too close or ‘feel’ when something ‘feels off’ in a room.
Over time we learn to over-ride our knowing as emotions become trapped in our body and our energetic field, and we learn to excuse it away.
Traumas (Big & little), daily stresses, dis-ease, all become locked, caught like leaves in a vortex in our system and weigh us down… we become de-pressed by the weight of it all. This can show up in the body as physical health symptoms, mental issues, conflict, drama… you get the picture. Not a pretty one.
Biofield Tuning addresses these areas of imbalance through the use of tuning forks, scanning the body, the subtle energy body, known as the Biofield, to release resistance, disturbances and discomfort picked up through the tones in the forks. This non-invasive technique, gently shifts the body back to balance, peace and calm.
We want to feel expansive… think about your energy like a vast tree reaching it’s branches and roots out with no unhealthy restrictions. What would that feel like? Joy? Love? Compassion? You get to choose. What do you want more of? Healing is embracing the unknown potential path. The treasure you seek is in the cave you may fear to enter.
We look with our eyes but we see with our hearts. We hear with our ears but we listen with our whole body.
Are you ready to see with your heart and listen with your whole body fully engaged?

My Services
bringing the body back to balance
Therapeutic sound healing vibrates through the use of tuning forks bringing the body back into balance, calming the nervous system, reducing triggers, traumas, and relieving stress.
Are you ready to come back into balance?

the energy of peace & calm
The vibrational frequency of the tuning forks
re-patterns old beliefs to heal and transform. The clear coherent tone is music to the body — shifting, re-training the body back to balance, peace and calm.
Does peace & calm sound like music to your ears?
Trusted Guidance

single session
Zoom (Person or Pet)
60 minute Biofield Tuning Session

(3) Zoom (Person or Pet)
(3) 60 minute Biofield Tuning Sessions (Same person or pet,
multi-session discount)

Custom designed for shifting the emotional environment in organizations, groups, families, partnerships or interpersonal relationships.
$ Upon request
*Contraindications for Biofield Tuning: Advanced stage cancer, pregnancy, old style pace-maker,
or (TBI) traumatic brain injury within 6 months. Contact Amanda to discuss options.*
(414) 559-9123
Milwaukee, WI 53207
Red dragonfly healing
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